• Paragone@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Then teach the parts of Isaiah which show clearly he held in contempt the people, of his day, who were doing what the “Jews” who convicted benJoseph, did, & what the “Christians” who identify as Republicans are doing now.

    Teach how benJoseph called biblical-legalists “Hypocrites!” right in the bible.

    Teach them all the things in their own bible which identify the “Christian” fascism as being the enemy of their own root-guru/Christ.

    Here is Isaiah 1 from their bible, so you can see that what Moses fought against a couple millenia earlier ( if one happens to remember that stuff from other readings ), happens this time not within the people of Egypt, but within the Israelites…


    Obviously, now it’s happening within the “Christians”.

    Notice, here, that nearly-all teachings on Hypocrites! are in the New Testament…


    & here is a phrase, right in their bible, of the whole “they call themselves Jews, but are gaslighting” sentiment,

    which, as anybody with integrity would understand, is an accusation which can be placed on many of ANY human religion, including the Dharmic religions ( including my own beloved Vajrayana ), including the Abrahamic religions, including the people who claim Science but embody/enforce Scientism’s gaslighting, etc…


    It is a particular kind of dishonesty, and it isn’t limited-to any tradition or culture, no matter how convenient to some ideologies that would be.

    Find all the parts of the bible that contradict the gaslighters who call themselves “Christian”, & teach only those bits.

    WHEN teaching the now-legally-required-in-some-jurisdictions “10 Commandments”, add this & discuss how this applies to the people who legislate in our countries:


    “Those who live by the sword, die by the sword”.

    Turn their own book’s honest-truths against their falseness.

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