Emacs and the Cybernetic Productivity - blog.dornea.nu
blog.dornea.nuA few days ago I came across Cal Newport’s episode on “The failure of Cybernetic Productivity " where he talked about a term I’ve never heard before: Cybernetic Productivity. This productivity concept has been prominent since the early 2000s and has served as an effective strategy for managing the growing workload, particularly among knowledge workers . Now, let’s delve into the principles:
Automate and speed up shallow task as much as possible Have software tools “speak” with other ones, send data from your browser to your Exceel sheet or to your editor (and vice versa) use as less clicks as possible automate all the things ™ Try to keep needed information at your finger tips make it easy to organize and get access to information the more we have the right information when we need it, the more effective knowledge workers we are going to be Example: Google You can search for all types of information In general knowledge management tools implement this principle that information should never be to far from the person who needs it Remove friction from communication communication has to be easy if friction is removed, high velocity communication / colaboration can be achieved Simplify the extraction of actionable wisdom from data the information we need to do things is often hidden in data we need tools that can find trends we need tools that can extract wisdom from data so we can have it at our finger tips According to Cal Newport this approach doesn’t work because of the so called infinite buffer.
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