Howdy y’all! I’m hoping to run a make something month in October either here or in Creative. The idea is that a bunch of people all make something, doesn’t matter what, throughout the month. Each week I’ll make a post where we can share progress and discuss, and at the end of the month you can post your final creation(s) in a showcase thread. It’s kind of like National Novel Writing Month, except you don’t have to be writing a novel, and also it’s in October! Anyways, if you have any questions or ideas for what you’d like to do, feel free to post them below. I’ll make a post on October 1st to formally kick everything off, so make sure you finalize what you hope to do by then!

    1 year ago

    I love this idea!

    I want to make my incoming niece a hat/blanket and time is running out before she arrives, so this is a good way of holding myself to account.

    Ooh people could do Halloween themed things! Maybe pumpkin carving!