• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It’s been a busy week so far. Trying to tidy my flat before an inspection next week as well as get some reporting done before a deadline tomorrow (it won’t be done in time but their expectations aren’t particularly reasonable so doing what I can). Got to do a Hackathon today based around a potential new system which was exciting! It’s so much better than what we have at the moment.

    Going to Amsterdam on Friday for the weekend, really looking forward to it

  • I live in the UK so tipping thankfully isn’t a thing here as we have minimum wage. I will tip if I’m at a restaurant with a group of people but otherwise I won’t tip at all. Hospitality workers deserve to be paid more but it’s not up to the customers to supplement a dodgy business. I am in a union and will always vote for parties who advocate for employment rights though.

    Tipping is very much a cultural thing and I think it’s not wise to treat it like it’s the same everywhere. In the US it sounds like it’s a necessary evil and if I were to visit I would comply, but it’s not the same as in other countries.

  • Still ill, annoyingly. It’s just a cough now but every time I go to choir I can’t speak the day after. I know I need to rest my voice but I can’t miss a rehearsal without not being allowed to perform at the concerts.

    Speaking of, got an invite to potentially sing in Hiroshima as part of the 80th anniversary of the bombing in 2025. It costs a huge amount to travel there but may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not sure whether to go for it.

    Otherwise I’m ok. Meeting at work last week went ok, they’re going to try and get some clarity to me before Christmas.

  • A lovely thought. Might not be effective in big city centres though, when I was living in London people were always trying to hand you things. You get resistant very quickly.

    Not a reason not to do it, just try not to take it personally if you get rebuffed.

    Also I love the wildflower card idea someone else mentioned

  • Can’t say I’ve noticed it on Beehaw but I have on some other instances. Just posted in one actually - was an interesting discussion on the nature of violence in media. One person immediately lashed out at the person and I’m struggling to see why as they were being civil and were just exploring ideas.

    I think it’s a wider thing than Lemmy or even the internet. It feels like some kind of way of getting control over something for people who lack any control in other aspects of their lives. They can have it if they’re ‘right’ even if they have to attack people for it.