Why not all workers?
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Me here, still generally enjoying your comments.
Tree frog complements flying squid, more news at 11
Now BigFig, with weather.
It’s fuckin hot!
Thank you!
And don’t let them dictate to us how much is enough
If you start at the bottom it will force those above to raise wages in order to compete.
This focus is kinda weird ngl. Why is fast food entertainment being protected and promoted? Let the market crush this shit - we don’t need more McDonald’s garbage in this world.
Welp, decades of data can tell you that “letting the market crush this shit” ain’t working.
You and I have very different definitions on what it means to let the market do it’s thing, I think.
You aware how heavily subsidized beef is, for McDonald’s sake?
We can raise minimum wages and reduce subsidies. It’s not like it’s one or the other.
We should shift the meat and dairy subsidies into fake/lab meat and oat milk.
I’m from farm country (thankfully no CAFOs, locally) and ngl. While I like oat milk, I love cold, whole dairy milk. As in I live alone and easily drink a gallon or more per week.
At 52 gallons a year you are drinking over 3x the average amount of milk
One lobby is regular people; the other are billionaires and corporations.
I don’t think your post makes sense.
Fast food is being targeted for not paying their workers a living wage. This is the opposite of protection and promotion.
The government is stepping in because the ‘free market’ hasn’t corrected this and won’t correct it.
Am I misunderstanding where you’re coming from?
In a way it does protect the market by forcing it competitive. The market definitely has the power to squeeze fast food out of existence.
No federal limit to executive pay and incentives then? Problem not solved but I’m happy some effort was made at the state level
Finally the essential workers get something worth a damn
So McDonald’s is pulling out of California now, right?
Since a living wage for fast-food workers is possible in Denmark, I’m sure it’s possible in California and the rest of the US.
Don’t be silly. The Crappy Meal probably won’t cost $10 either.
Do these jobs offer any benefits? Like e.g. healthcare?
I’m all for it, but this creates an issue for skilled labor making roughly the same wage.
Basically everyone needs like 100% more money.
Doesn’t create an issue, creates an opportunity
“Pay me more or I’ll go get a job at a fast food place” is a simple and easy argument for raises at any reasonable place
Or just work a part time gig at McDonald’s for a couple 5 hour shifts a week to supplement your career job.
Makes it pretty appealing to think about flipping some burgers for $20 an hour, $100 a day 2-3 days a week.
Could be an extra $1,000 a month or so for people looking for something to supplement their income.
It disincentivizes gaining a skill, which is bad for society.
You’re looking at this backwards. It essentially would make a business compete with every other minimum wage job if all they’re offering is $20/h. They either raise wages to lure skilled workers, or try to provide some other benefits.
Lol, you’re just stupid then, gotcha
Is that what teevee to you?
Real issue that this is not a universal wage increase. I don’t get why it is only for “fast food” workers
Basically everyone needs like 100% more money.
Yes. They do. If you’re doing something vastly more specialized than making food quickly, you should be paid much more than $20/hour.
And in California, $20/hour still isn’t a livable wage.
and of course if every makes 100% more money then the price of everything goes up 100% and we’re no better off.
Except for the fact that doesn’t actually happen in other parts of the world that increase wages universally. Why would it happen here?
I don’t think it’s unskilled labor at all. If anything, your so-called skilled labor is underpaying you then. We shouldn’t hold others down.