Corporations are scrambling to protect their senior executives. Boards are reassessing security budgets. And CEOs are being told to delete their digital footprints.
How many of their own brothers and sisters in the forces have had medical claims denied? How many of them live in pain because their pain medication was deemed a “lifestyle choice” instead of a necessity? This kind of injustice permeates everything, every walk of life that can’t afford healthcare by themselves.
Military medical insurance, at least for active duty, is pretty decent. But the military medical system is really it’s own beast with its own problems. You don’t have to worry about coverage so much as fighting for the care you need.
Also, I am assuming a lot of grade A security are SOF types who fought in two stupid wars on behalf of owner class.
Makes you wonder how a person like that would feel about a dead parasite him or her self
Would they really care to take a bullet for a parasite?
There is really no way to tell, sadly.
How many of their own brothers and sisters in the forces have had medical claims denied? How many of them live in pain because their pain medication was deemed a “lifestyle choice” instead of a necessity? This kind of injustice permeates everything, every walk of life that can’t afford healthcare by themselves.
Military medical insurance, at least for active duty, is pretty decent. But the military medical system is really it’s own beast with its own problems. You don’t have to worry about coverage so much as fighting for the care you need.