I like this approach. “funny meme” aside, I think it is a good way of showing how much a certain language can affect how other people think and feel about a subject. Just read it THAT way and “being neurotypical” suddenly sounds like a disorder that isn’t fully compatible with the public, doesn’t it?

We live in a world that isn’t exactly kind to people on the spectrum. It is loud, flashy, hectic, overwhelming, unrewarding but you’re still expected to work like a cog in a machine, despite having fewer and fewer places where you’d actually “fit in” without grinding gears, and whenever there is some sort of public talk about that topic, it always, always sounds like the affected person is the problem and personally responsible for fixing themselves, when a no small part of “not fitting in” is due to society itself. Maybe a change in language is due to remove that stigma.

  • Lizardking27@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    And with your sad attempt at a strawman argument (and your bizzarre animal comment that really just reinforced how unhinged you are), we know that you have nothing substantial left to say to support your ridiculous argument. You’ve contradicted yourself at least twice now and proven my point for me. Thank you. Maybe next time you’ll keep your braindead take to yourself.