please answer, this is urgent 🥺(mine is fallout new vegas)
NV, hands down.
I’m actually not a big fan of the Fallout games outside of NV - I respect FO1+2, especially the atmosphere and willingness to be both dark and bizarre, but don’t particularly enjoy their core gameplay loop. I respect FO3 for the gameplay loop it established, but don’t really have a high opinion of its writing or atmosphere. I really don’t like FO4. 76 is an abomination.
Strangely, though, I have a fondness for Fallout Tactics. AT EASE, INITIATE!
People are going to shit on me for this, but Fallout 76. I spent hundreds of hours playing that, and enjoyed the social aspect. Jumping into activities with other players and getting to see their camp creations and sharing my own was a blast.
There’s was a time during the covid lockdown where I was paid by the government to smoke weed all day and play fo76 with my best boys. I don’t have the time or energy for big live service games anymore, but if I did I’d be playing it again. I still boot it up to go around my camp like a museum of that time.
Besides from performance issues, fallout 76 is great!
Enjoy what you want man, don’t let us convince you otherwise :P
even this? cmon dont be so hard on 76, bethesda tried their best 😔
I’m pretty sure Sex With Hitler has at least one enjoyable moment during its runtime. Which automatically places it above 76.
In order:
- fnv
- fallout 2
- fallout 1
- wasteland 2
- wasteland 3
wtf, i never knew they made sequels to wasteland thats awesome. I’ll have to check it out later. Thanks man :)
New Vegas
3I can’t play fo4 without a shit ton of mods. Without them performance is basically 6 fps.
For me, Fallout: Shelter wins by default as it’s the only one I spent any significant amount of time in.
finally, we found the only fallout shelter fan in the whole community!
its one of the least popular games (besides BoS and tactics) so i dont see many fans of it.
For what it was, Shelter was excellent!
To compare it to the other Fallout games isn’t fair, as a mobile clicker isnt going to compete with AAA open worlds, but it sure as hell beats Farmville or Clash of Clans.
a mobile games a mobile game ig, i’ve never played shelter but most mobile spinoffs of games are quite mid (frostpunks mobile game as an example lmfao)
Fallout NV ofc. With f2 close by
It’d be easy to guess that fnv is your favorite since you’re on blahaj lol
Fallout 2 is fucking amazing, second best game for me. nothing really beats 1/2/NV. 3/4/76 were kinda meh and took themselves too seriously
Fallout one and two because of nostalgia and spent more hours then I can remember playing them when they came out
fallout 1 is great, but fallout 2 is the second best imo. Love the humor in that game (except the pariah dog, fuck the pariah dog)
I didn’t like it dislike the dog I thought it was pretty entertaining to me
with it i had encounters with the enclave every 5 seconds. i literally had to reload a really early save just because of that stupid dog 😭 i remember being so confused on why the game was broken lmao, turns out the devs were just really big trolls
Probably controversial, but 3. I can’t get into 1 and 2, NV’s setting doesn’t really do it for me and the exploration is very meh, and 4’s dialogue and forced backstory is just awful (the gameplay loop is fun, though).
fallout 3 had the worst ending in the whole franchise, even with the DLC
“I’m sorry, my companion, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that”
mf you are IMMUNE TO RADIATION, why the fuck cant you do it???
even with the dlc it calls you a coward pretty much, lmao
other than that it’s not bad but not my top #1
Yeah, the ending is ridiculous, but with the DLC it’s bearable imo. Not great, not even good, but not enough to push it off the #1 spot for me.
Keep in mind that it’s the first Fallout I played, so nostalgia is definitely part of it for me.
The pre-cursor: Wasteland. Before there was Fallout, there was Wasteland.
I’d just like to note for posterity that while Wasteland was one of the games on Tim Cain’s (the lead developer) mind nerd culture has seemingly elevated Fallout to being a result of trying to whole cloth copy or be a sequel to Wasteland. A good amount of the game’s team wasn’t aware of Wasteland or knew of but didn’t care for it. Really what Tim Cain has emphasized as the takeaway from Wasteland had less to do with the setting and more to do with setting up quests without optimal moral solutions.
Fallout was not conceived as a Wasteland sequel that then had to be spun into it’s own thing. As Tim Cain has said, Fallout was fairly deep into development when the studio started floating the idea of buying Wasteland and adapting Fallout to be a sequel. Tim Cain was actually hoping for the deal to fall through (as it ended up doing) because the Fallout setting had already been fairly developed, and because it would have meant the game would be juggling dual licensing agreements between Wasteland and GURPs which would have been a huge headache.
As a side note, if you play Wasteland 3, it seems to draw from New Vegas’ idea of a faction loyalty heavy main plot that twists based on what sorts of alliances you can create out of the factions and from mutually exclusive story choices tied into this to feed into different endings.
thats really cool (drools looks fucking terrifying, though lmao) thank god we got fallout 1, though 😆
Cool thing about Wasteland was you could split your party in two and control each segment individually.
So one person could ride out in front, while the rest of the group flanks, that kind of thing.
Definitely New Vegas.
NV by a mile.
well, that’s just cheating :)
Well, to be fair, I do appreciate the environmental storytelling Bethesda offer even down to 76, and I also like how they structure their maps (not Starfield maps, tho’…), if that makes sense. But story-wise, NV is my clear winner. Do like 1 & 2 as my #2 and #3.
As a thought, I’d probably enjoy the snot out of a joint project, where Beth handles the Sandbox and a different team handles the happenings! I mean, even Fallout 4 is fun if you ignore the story!
yeah, i just said its cheating due to how much fnv fans are here 😅
even Fallout 4 is fun if you ignore the story!
Yeah! if you can ignore the 5 frames per minute you get walking through boston (without mods)! 😊
fnv, 2, 1 is my list so very close to yours, that makes you based and cool 😎
Why, thank you, fellow based and cool internet friend!😎😉
As for the framerate, yeaaah… it’s the reason why the city area is a bit of a blur in my memory:))
Exploring the Glowing Sea was a really neat and fresh experience, though! Would not mind a Fallout adjacent game with a Mad Max kinda’ drive behind it! Would play really nicely into the, imho, pretty sweet new Power Armour concept they introduced with 4!
If there’s one good thing I can say about 76, it’s that they took the “exploring interesting and creepy places in your retro mech suit” to new heights!:))) Needs more map, tho’…