The following is a kawa scheme program consisting of 3 files
(module-name MyTest)
(module-compile-options main: #t)
(define (printc)
(display "c"))
(require 'srfi-1) ;; List Library
(define (main)
(import MyTestA)
(module-name MyTestA)
(module-export printa)
(define (printa)
(display "A"))
(module-name MyTestB)
(module-export printb)
(define (printb)
(display "B"))
To compile & run,
rm -vf ./*.class
kawa -Dkawa.import.path="." -C ./MyTestA.scm
kawa -Dkawa.import.path="." -C ./MyTestB.scm
kawa -Dkawa.import.path="." --main -C ./MyTest.scm
kawa MyTest
How do i do the same thing in abcl lisp ?
It seems you are asking about kawa scheme not abcl common lisp.
No it works with kawa scheme like i specified.