The team doesn’t even have to have won the championship, but has a team in NBA history overachieved notably due to coaching? How did the coaching impact the team’s rotations, player roles, defensive schemes, etc?
The team doesn’t even have to have won the championship, but has a team in NBA history overachieved notably due to coaching? How did the coaching impact the team’s rotations, player roles, defensive schemes, etc?
Brad Stevens 2017
It’s such a bummer he isn’t a coach anymore. I’m sure being a front office guy is way more chill, but he was so good.
Other coaches started figuring him out AND stealing all of atos. I think he peaked. You can only be so original for so long before the league copies you. I see him as similar to dantoni and thibs in that way where the rest of the league uses their tactics and sets and your advantage goes away.