I’ve been backing up to a dedicated hard disk within the same server for all my backups in case my disks fail. And as I run more and more services, the concern of disks failures grow bigger.

I’m looking for a cheapish off-site backup solution and I’m just curious what everyone does for their 3-2-1 backup solutions.

  • LachlanUnchained@lemmyunchained.net
    1 year ago

    My server is now up to 100 and something tb of storage. About 50% used. Raid 6. (Yes raid isn’t a backup. I know) Mainly media. Movies, tv, music, Books/audiobooks.

    I’ve separated our media storage vs OS.

    I only backup my OS and configs. It goes to an on-site nas.

    If my media library dies, I’ll just slowly re-download what people want.

    If I lose my os, I have one backup, other wise I’m off to work rebuilding that too.

    I’m happy to pay for iCloud at this stage to backup and store sentimental or critical things.
