Lachlan, creator of

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Lemmy is a federated social network, similar to Mastodon, where anyone can create and run their own instance. This means it’s not centrally controlled by one entity. The reasons for having many instances include:

    1. Decentralization: This reduces the power of any single entity over the entire network and prevents any central point of failure. If one instance goes down, others are unaffected. This design also helps resist censorship because content moderation is handled individually by each instance.

    2. Community autonomy: Each instance can form its own unique community with its own rules and norms. This can promote diversity of thought and freedom of expression, as different communities can have different standards and policies.

    3. Privacy and security: Having separate instances can provide a higher degree of privacy and security. The admin of an instance only has access to data from their instance, not the entire network.

    Regarding the concern of popular instances becoming like Reddit, it’s worth noting that decentralization inherently provides a counterbalance. If an instance becomes too dominant or its policies become unpopular, users can migrate to or create a new instance. In the end, the federated nature of Lemmy allows for a much more democratic and user-driven online community.

  • 1. Check Permissions: First, make sure that you have the right permissions to edit the lemmy.hjson file. You may need to use a command like sudo to edit it if you’re on a Unix-based system.

    2. Save and Restart: Once you’ve edited the lemmy.hjson file, ensure that the changes are saved correctly, and then restart the Lemmy service for the changes to take effect. You can do this via the YunoHost admin interface, or using a command like systemctl restart lemmy on the command line.

    3. SMTP Server: Double-check your SMTP server settings. These typically include the server’s address, the port number (often 465 for SSL or 587 for TLS), and your login credentials.

    4. Email Verification: Lemmy requires a working SMTP setup for email verification during user sign up. If there’s an error with the SMTP setup, you’ll see an “email_send_failed” error.

    5. Test SMTP: You mentioned that you’ve already tested the SMTP server with swaks and it’s working. That’s great! If you’re not seeing those settings reflected in the Lemmy admin interface though, the changes might not be taking effect.

    6. SMTP Relay: If your SMTP server requires a relay, make sure you have configured it correctly. You said you’re using “brevo” as a relay. If “brevo” is the relay server, it should also be mentioned in your SMTP settings in lemmy.hjson.

    7. Logs: Check the logs for any error messages. You can typically find these in a location like /var/log/lemmy/, though it may vary based on your installation.

    Without logs, I can’t say much more. Sorry.

  • check the Docker volume settings and ensure that the volume for mounting the folder containing your videos is correctly configured. Verify that the paths match the location of your video files.

    Next, ensure that the Docker container has the necessary permissions to access the video files. Check the file ownership and permissions for the shared folder containing the videos.

    Try restarting the Docker container running Photoprism as well. Sometimes, a restart can resolve mounting or file-related issues.

    That’s about all I can offer without looking in closer detail at your configs.

  • My server is now up to 100 and something tb of storage. About 50% used. Raid 6. (Yes raid isn’t a backup. I know) Mainly media. Movies, tv, music, Books/audiobooks.

    I’ve separated our media storage vs OS.

    I only backup my OS and configs. It goes to an on-site nas.

    If my media library dies, I’ll just slowly re-download what people want.

    If I lose my os, I have one backup, other wise I’m off to work rebuilding that too.

    I’m happy to pay for iCloud at this stage to backup and store sentimental or critical things.


  • Really strange. Probably done all this, but just run through it again make sure you haven’t got a typo somewhere or something.

    1.	Check Connection Settings: Ensure the IP, port, and authentication details are correct in JuiceSSH.
    2.	Firewall Rules: Confirm the SSH port (usually 22) isn’t blocked by any firewalls on your network or server.
    3.	Try another SSH App: To see if it’s a JuiceSSH-specific issue, download another SSH client like Termius and test the connection.

    (I’d probably start with 3, might narrow it down to a juice config problem, I’m not very familiar with juice)