Ok. so maybe it was not clear but what I was saying was that under other circumstances. Ones where the abuse of power was isolated. Under that condition resigning can be a powerful statement. Then the last part was not so much a contradiction of that but rather an admission that under the present conditions. Conditions where the abuse of power is abundant. Under those conditions its not a good thing to do. I may have just written it to short maybe.
I wouldn’t hold my breath. A protest of no vote was literally what led to the orange insurrectionist felon rapist sitting in the white house. Again, I mean.
This ‘empowered’ generation isn’t gonna do anything unless you pander to their one issue of concern, even if it burns the country to the ground.
I get what you’re saying, but in reality this isn’t always possible. If you are directed to do something by your superior and you choose not to comply, disciplinary procedures will start, and will ultimately lead to your termination. Throughout that process, the principled protest that lead to your termination would be muddied and probably forgotten. Resigning on idealistic or principled grounds sends a stronger message than allowing yourself to be fired, and least for those in the administrative state that don’t have highly visible jobs. The result is still the same either way: the action you were protesting was probably carried out anyway by someone less principled than you, but you’re out of a job and few people will ever know why.
If you loudly resign, your message will be received by more people and will be backed and strengthened by your sacrifice. It’s fucked up that it has to go down this way, but when there are two bad choices I’m glad enough people are making the harder one that might benefit more people even at personal expense. For heads of agencies and high level staff it might be more impactful to let yourself get fired, but I think those cases will be the exception (the FBI director, for example, should have let himself get fired).
I wish they would stop resigning and stand their ground. They should be publicly yelling “Fuck you, make me asshole!”
A protest of surrender is not how you fight fascism.
Its something that is a powerful statement with more isolated abuses of power but yeah for whats going on the opposite is what is needed.
It’s not a powerful statement. It’s exactly what Trump and Musk want.
did you only read the first seven words of my reply???
Yes, I skipped the part where you contradicted yourself.
Ok. so maybe it was not clear but what I was saying was that under other circumstances. Ones where the abuse of power was isolated. Under that condition resigning can be a powerful statement. Then the last part was not so much a contradiction of that but rather an admission that under the present conditions. Conditions where the abuse of power is abundant. Under those conditions its not a good thing to do. I may have just written it to short maybe.
I wouldn’t hold my breath. A protest of no vote was literally what led to the orange insurrectionist felon rapist sitting in the white house. Again, I mean.
This ‘empowered’ generation isn’t gonna do anything unless you pander to their one issue of concern, even if it burns the country to the ground.
I get what you’re saying, but in reality this isn’t always possible. If you are directed to do something by your superior and you choose not to comply, disciplinary procedures will start, and will ultimately lead to your termination. Throughout that process, the principled protest that lead to your termination would be muddied and probably forgotten. Resigning on idealistic or principled grounds sends a stronger message than allowing yourself to be fired, and least for those in the administrative state that don’t have highly visible jobs. The result is still the same either way: the action you were protesting was probably carried out anyway by someone less principled than you, but you’re out of a job and few people will ever know why.
If you loudly resign, your message will be received by more people and will be backed and strengthened by your sacrifice. It’s fucked up that it has to go down this way, but when there are two bad choices I’m glad enough people are making the harder one that might benefit more people even at personal expense. For heads of agencies and high level staff it might be more impactful to let yourself get fired, but I think those cases will be the exception (the FBI director, for example, should have let himself get fired).