I have been looking for a Twitter replacement. Mastodon looks like an interesting platform. I just have a few questions. If I’m on a server and I post something and someone (who is from other server) comments on my post does rules of server where I am apply to that comment? Is it easy to change servers if I will have to? Also which server would be a good option for me? I’m from Finland and I know we have a local server but their rules say I can only post in Finnish. I would want to use Finnish and English. I will probably post mostly in Finnish but sometimes also in English. Also I want a server which is fast. I want strict rules and moderation especially in LGBTQ+ topics. I left Twitter because I’m a trans woman and I don’t want to use a platform where any form of transphobia etc. is allowed. I often feel like even Facebook etc. moderates transphobia poorly so I want a server which is very strict on that. So allowing racism, sexism or transphobia is a big no no. It would be good if there would be moderators who are also trans so they will know what is offensive (many cis people doesn’t recongize less visible/direct transphobia).

I may post something political but politically I’m mixed (I have very very liberal opinions on LGBTQ+ and animal rights, economically moderate left but at the same time I’m not that “green” (I think we should support green solutions but I don’t support banning less green options/technology.). Pretty much let everyone be free to live how they want as long as they don’t hurt others). So politics has to be allowed but not discrimination.

I will follow many topics and people. I will want to see news and politics but also memes and hobbies (trans and pc/linux memes but also other techonology/pc/linux posts). So what I want to see is really mixed. I know I can follow people from other servers.

Also a cool but easily rememberable server name is a big plus.

  • ProbablyMHA@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If I’m on a server and I post something and someone (who is from other server) comments on my post does rules of server where I am apply to that comment?

    Yes, your local instance’s rules apply to content they host.

    The rules/decisions of other instances (even uninvolved ones) also apply where the other instance has a sufficient population of users or sufficient influence such that if that instance bans your local instance, you would be disconnected from the majority of users.

    I want strict rules and moderation especially in LGBTQ+ topics. I left Twitter because I’m a trans woman and I don’t want to use a platform where any form of transphobia etc. is allowed.

    Most of the fediverse strictly prohibits transphobia.

    I will follow many topics and people. I will want to see news and politics but also memes and hobbies (trans and pc/linux memes but also other techonology/pc/linux posts).

    This is most of Mastodon.

  • minneyar@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If I’m on a server and I post something and someone (who is from other server) comments on my post does rules of server where I am apply to that comment?

    This kind of depeneds on the admins & moderators of the servers in question. Some servers are very strict and will defederate from other servers that break their rules (mastodon.art is notorious for this); other servers are more lax and will turn a blind eye as long as there aren’t egregious violations.

    Is it easy to change servers if I will have to?

    Yes, migrating accounts between servers is a standard part of ActivityPub, and it’s easy to move your followed accounts and followers to a new instance, and your old account will automatically forward people to your new one. The catch is that Mastodon doesn’t support migrating posts, so your old posts will still only exist on your old account. It’s worth noting that Firefish, a Fediverse platform that can communicate with but is different from Mastodon, does support importing posts from Mastodon servers when migrating.

    Most of the big Fediverse servers are pretty LGBTQ-friendly and left-leaning, and overt LGBTQphobia and harassment tend to get banned quickly. You can view a list of categorized servers that are open to new registrations here: https://joinmastodon.org/servers

    If you’re not already dedicated specifically to Mastodon, also check out Firefish servers here: https://joinfirefish.org/join

    I’ll just suggest that I would probably not recommend joining mastodon.social. It’s by far the largest server, and as a result is having some performance issues; it also has somewhat more lax rules than most servers, and they can get away with it purely because they’re the largest server, so you’ll probably find a more welcoming community on a smaller one. Maybe tech.lgbt or lgbtqia.space? Also maybe pawb.fun or stop.voring.me if you like furries.

  • JustDalek_@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If I’m on a server and I post something and someone (who is from other server) comments on my post does rules of server where I am apply to that comment?

    Yes!, report the comment to your admin, they can block it from your server, can’t quite nuke it everywhere though. When you report the commend you also get an option to forward the report to their server and if its a decent server they should handle there too

    Is it easy to change servers if I will have to?

    - Yes!, but I recommend the guide you follow to be youtube videos as its easier to follow along than to read the steps it takes. There’s lots of easy to follow videos

    Also which server would be a good option for me?

    Technically, any since you can move if you dont like it. That said I highly recommend you look for a server that is 1: not one of the biggest 2: focused on a topic/interest you care about.

    Being in a server that has a community you relate to definitely improves the quality of content in the local live feed

    To find servers, check out: