I’m a hobbyist who is self trained, but am nearing my skill limit. What I’d really love to do is apprentice under a professional - as I learn far more watching professionals work than I do watching Youtube guides. Local classes really don’t interest me, I love to be in the “in the thick of it.”

I’m not looking to earn any money now, nor in the future. I am completely comfortable in my career field. I just want to act as someones shadow on any weekend jobs, with no expectation that I would be behind their camera. If that makes me nothing other than a glorified pack mule - then so be it!

I’m just curious if this sort of solicitation to local photographers would be welcomed, or bothersome. I want to be respectful above all else.

Any advice is welcomed.

  • snapper1971@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    No way would I take someone on without paying them. I didn’t have to do it, no one should have to do it.