The usual suspects forming the top 9 of the greatest basketball players list in some order are

  • MJ
  • LeBron
  • Kareem
  • Wilt
  • Bill Russell
  • Magic
  • Tim Duncan
  • Larry Bird
  • Shaq

Who rounds out the top 10 list at #10? Some names that come to mind are

  • Kobe
  • Hakeem
  • Oscar
  • Steph
    • Batsoupman2@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      Clowns in this thread couldn’t even accept the fact that their top 10 players have superteams while Kobe’s back to back run, only Gasol, Fisher and Ariza played significant roles afterwards while everyone else are out of the league (Artest did played but not with a contending team)