Labor organizing! I literally already said this: work stoppages and militant mass strike action and aligning contract dates. We run this shit and we can shut it down if we’re organized. With or without the NLRB.
And how has that worked in the past? People have been doing that exact same shit for decades. Even when we had presidents that didn’t dismantle all the departments that could have listened to you.
You’re wasting your time trying to fix the damage you caused. The only thing you can do is apologize profusely and promise that if we get the change to try again, you’ll almost help for a change.
The New Deal was the result of labor action, not the president suddenly feeling like a nice guy. He had to placate militant labor to prevent them becoming even more radicalized, like had happened a few decades prior in Russia.
In recent decades labor has been conciliatory and collaborative with the ruling class, now it must break from them and assert its own power. There’s been a recent upsurge, but we have a long way to go.
Your only plan is to vote. Again, what are you going to do if you aren’t allowed to vote next time?
So what plan do you have that has any degree of reliable efficacy exactly?
Labor organizing! I literally already said this: work stoppages and militant mass strike action and aligning contract dates. We run this shit and we can shut it down if we’re organized. With or without the NLRB.
And how has that worked in the past? People have been doing that exact same shit for decades. Even when we had presidents that didn’t dismantle all the departments that could have listened to you.
You’re wasting your time trying to fix the damage you caused. The only thing you can do is apologize profusely and promise that if we get the change to try again, you’ll almost help for a change.
The New Deal was the result of labor action, not the president suddenly feeling like a nice guy. He had to placate militant labor to prevent them becoming even more radicalized, like had happened a few decades prior in Russia.
In recent decades labor has been conciliatory and collaborative with the ruling class, now it must break from them and assert its own power. There’s been a recent upsurge, but we have a long way to go.
Your only plan is to vote. Again, what are you going to do if you aren’t allowed to vote next time?