Spotify has removed offensive imagery associated with a controversial song by Christian rapper Tyson James and his 11-year-old son Toby James, following a complaint by GLAAD.

However, the song “Still 2 Genders,” criticized for its transphobic lyrics, continues to be available on the platform. Meanwhile, no changes have been made to Apple Music’s platform.

Earlier this month, The Advocatereported that the song was accessible on major music streaming platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music, despite its derogatory lyrics towards transgender individuals, including a slur to describe them. The situation caught the attention of GLAAD, which then took up the issue with Spotify’s trust and safety team.

In an updated statement provided to The Advocate, a spokesperson from GLAAD emphasized the importance of enforcing hate speech policies by companies.

“Companies have hate speech policies to protect all users from toxic content and especially from content that incites violence against marginalized people. When these policies are violated, it is important to see companies enforce them,” the statement read.

GLAAD’s statement highlighted the grave real-world implications of hateful rhetoric and imagery connecting it to a tragic incident.

“The terrible murder of Lauri Carlton, an ally who had hung a Pride flag outside her store, is connected to a suspect who had an image of a burning Pride flag pinned to his Twitter profile,” the statement added.

The spokesperson further noted, “Rhetoric, images, and targeting of LGBTQ people encourages real-world harms. Companies and brands must continue to recognize their responsibility to people’s safety and public safety and immediately act to avoid facilitating anti-LGBTQ hate and violence.”

Spotify responded by removing the album cover and video imagery that included a burning Progress Pride flag GLAAD noted to The Advocate. Despite these steps, the song itself, carrying an anti-trans slur and dehumanizing transgender people as “demons,” remains live on Spotify’s platform.

Both Spotify and Apple Music have policies in place to moderate content on their platforms. Apple Music for Artists’ terms of service stipulates that all lyrics provided to the platform must be “correct, accurate, and do not contain hate speech.” On the other hand, Spotify’s Dangerous Content policy bars “content that incites violence or hatred towards a person or group of people based on race, religion, gender identity or expression.”

Despite these policies, Apple Music has yet to make any changes or respond to inquiries regarding the song’s availability on its platform.

In a prior response, GLAAD had stressed the digital sphere’s struggle with hate speech moderation, especially concerning anti-LGBTQ+ content, which extends beyond the realm of music streaming platforms. Their concern was not only about the derogatory lyrics but also the inconsistency in enforcing content policies by these platforms, which undermines the safety and inclusivity of all users.

As the scrutiny continues, both Spotify and Apple Music remain unresponsive to multiple inquiries from The Advocate regarding this issue. This scenario underscores a broader discussion concerning digital content moderation on streaming platforms, especially around anti-LGBTQ+ content.


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    1168 months ago

    I don’t know this song. I won’t listen to this song. I don’t care about it.

    But it becomes a slippery slope when censorship gets blown up like this. I’d rather it all be on there and I can choose to not listen to it than for them to tell me what I’m allowed to listen to on their platform. Are they going to start banning Bloodhound gang or Eminem for homophobia and violence? What about Rotting Christ for anti religion? Dying Fetus?

    It should stay on the platforms and collect dust instead of being shared by articles. I probably would have never even heard of this, but now I’m worried that some of the music I listen to will be collateral.

      528 months ago

      I mean, I agree with your sentiment, but I do feel as if we’re walking into a trap here.

      Whenever there’s a push to remove bigoted or otherwise harmful content it’s always “censorship”.

      When conservatives want to remove content they find objectionable they are “exercising their free speech” in calling for the removal.

      So, no, I’m not going to pretend I’m some freeze peach champion when that rhetoric is exclusively used to harm me and the people I care about.

      58 months ago

      No it doesn’t. Last I heard Spotify isn’t a branch of government. Until such time as we nationalize them. They’re free to deplatform anyone and everyone they want within reason.

      The problem is, they’re only out for money and have no moral compass. Combine that with the burgeoning fascism problem we have in the US for instance. You get this. There’s money to be made marketing and appealing to bigots and their ilk. And they’re gonna keep doing it till it costs them. Expect no meaningful action.

    • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
      -48 months ago

      There’s plenty of really offensive music out there, and you can’t put one group on a pedestal and say ‘but these guys you can’t ridicule.’ … Except…

      Thinking about it, the offensive music is towards people with bat-shit crazy belief systems etc, rather than criticising people for what they are. I don’t think I would be ok with racist music for example, or music that targets… idk, bald people, because it’s something they can’t change.

      So actually, I agree, ban the song. Let’s go back to ridiculing Christians, Scientologists, Muslims, Hindus, communists, etc because those are all belief systems that people can change.

        48 months ago

        Simple, all it takes is to take the Book of Wrong Ideas, which is notoriously objective and shared across the world.

    • Little Trans Punk
      -68 months ago

      Smash the fash

      I literally don’t care if songs or artists perpetuating bigotry get “censored”, the world is better without them.

      Just listen to something else and quit whining.

        178 months ago

        Just listen to something else and quit whining.

        This is actually step one, and the only step.

      • robotica
        148 months ago

        That is quite literally what he’s doing, he’s listening to something else.

        118 months ago

        You don’t care until “bigotry” means what you think it means and not what someone else thinks, or until the same principle is pushed by other groups who happen to not care if “songs or artists perpetuating ____ get censored”.

        There is already a problem with monopoly in terms of which music is available, I can’t wait to have those companies decide even more which songs can be published based on totally arbitrary principles and without any accountability. I am pretty sure that articles about this trash song will have the consequences of generaring more listens than if this was just ignored. I, for once, would have never known this song existed without this article, and now I am fairly curious to go check the lyrics to make a better idea about the article itself. Straisand effect and all…

      • ram
        38 months ago

        100%. These people cannot return to being “acceptable” to exist. Purge them from society and force them to retreat to the dark corners from which they’ve been hiding since the end of WWII.

      • @Steve
        58 months ago

        Prohibition doesn’t make things go away. It only makes them more sneaky.

          98 months ago

          Good, let them be sneaky out of the public eye. Let the proper authorities who monitor those channels do their jobs. No need for children or anyone else to listen to garbage.

            -28 months ago

            Fun fact: the German military sent someone to monitor the national socialist party to determine if they were a threat to the Republic. His name was Adolf Hitler.

          58 months ago

          That’s the end of the thought process. It doesn’t need to be removed, it just needs to be removed from their line of sight. As long as they don’t know about it, it doesn’t exist. Problem solved.

        -28 months ago

        I don’t disagree necessarily, but people can be intolerant of hate speech without the force of government.

          8 months ago

          The government was not in any way involved in this story. Its 2 companies and an anti-hate advocacy group.

      168 months ago

      I met someone who had such a thought about hatespeech and how you should be fined until I pointed out he and his friends call eachother retarded removeds on discord all the time and asked how much he should have to pay in fines. He stopped supporting the idea of fines

    • Chozo
      58 months ago

      Some things should be censored, and I don’t think that’s too hot of a take, either. Any material that encourages intolerance of others should not be accepted in any civil culture.

      08 months ago

      Allowing fascism to spread is allowing censorship. Choosing not to censor fascism is choosing to allow intolerance to become mainstream.

      You call for a utopia of free speech where even Nazis can live happily alongside the minorities whose deaths they call for. Such a utopia does not exist. It’s impossible. The fascists will go around to all other members of this “utopia” and by force coercion and indoctrination convince them to come together to murder the minorities. Then having done so they will censor all thought that does not align with their hatred and their conspiracies.

      Tolerating fascism is the same thing as propagating it.

        08 months ago

        Tolerating fascism is the same thing as propagating it.

        This is literally and factually false.

        As bad as propagating it? Go for it. But you should be aware that making statements like you did makes it really easy for people to dismiss you offhand.

          -18 months ago

          To use a trolley problem metaphor, what they are saying is not pulling the lever is the same as allowing five people to die. If fascism is progressing and you do not stop it, you are allowing it to progress. Whether you consider that propagation comes down to your ethical framework, but from a consequentialist view it is accurate

  • Chaotic Entropy
    528 months ago

    If we want to outlaw tasteless and offensive music, we’ll be here all day.

    8 months ago

    Guys, I hate it too. But we can’t just remove every single piece of art we find objectionable. Yes, I am using the word Art liberally. Do you really want to live in that world?

        78 months ago

        It doesn’t cross that line, I think it well within free speech, its just that normal christian moralism bullshit.

      108 months ago

      this is just a slightly repackaged version of the typical “If I cant say the N word then its a slippery slope and before you know it its 1984” argument freeze peach absolutists use.

        18 months ago

        China’s first speech law was about racism, y’all want to kill free speech, it just Boggles the mind. it never stops with “Hate speech”

        “hate speech” is just a Trojan horse

          08 months ago

          it never stops with “Hate speech”

          Except for every time it does stop with hate speech. Like do you think Germany arrests people that insults its politicians?

    438 months ago

    For an 11 year old to be so full of hate someone must be pushing an agenda on them pretty hard and in this case at the very least it ain’t the drag queens.

  • thelastknowngod
    378 months ago

    Just checked. Seems like Where The Hood At by DMX is still there. Is this really any worse?

    • meseek #2982
      138 months ago

      Honestly that song is absolutely wild and more wild that it’s just totally accepted as ok. Like it’s the homophobic anthem ffs.

      288 months ago

      They still do. Also, get actual books banned from public libraries.

      Don’t let them distract you into taking your eyes off the ball with fake “BUT THE INTOLERANT LEFT” concern trolling.

    • Senex
      38 months ago

      I still remember them spouting about the “gay agenda” and nobody I asked knew what exactly this “gay agenda” was.

    278 months ago

    If there is an argument to be made here, it’s whether or not the song calls for intolerance à la the paradox of tolerance. There’s plenty of pornogrind, slam, and other brutal death metal on Spotify that’s thematically horrific. While the subject is definitely about really sadistic shit, there’s no overt message to go out and do that or that there are classes of people that deserve that. If this is just bullshit biblical propaganda, whatever, slam is gnarlier than Lot’s daughters. If this is advocating for the removal of a class of people, it might be warranted.

    I didn’t read or search for the lyrics because fuck driving traffic to this garbage.

      98 months ago

      I mean, there’s plenty of songs about murder/gang shit that is serious and encouraging it

        8 months ago

        Hmm… You know, every argument I can come up with about why that might be okay could be just as easily applied by the trans-phobes.

        “Well maybe we need to consider whether people might actually act on it”. In the case of gangs, they definitely do. Gang violence is as bad as ever. Meanwhile, I suspect this antitrans song will provoke far less action than some diss tracks.

        “Yeah but it’s somewhat of a cultural thing, if we take it away from them it’s going to start a whole big thing”… Black inner city culture / white country boy culture… They’ll both react the same way.

        Is it just the quantity of it? There’s more gang rap so it’s become normalized? That doesn’t bode well for what we can expect from these country folk.

        Seriously, I can’t think of a good reason why gang rap that encourages violence should be allowed while this isn’t.

    268 months ago

    I listen to a lot of death metal including brutal death metal that has lyrics that many would find objectionable. I guess the key difference is that death metal is not expressing the views of the artist. Still, there are plenty of artists with objectionable views whose songs are not deplatformed.

        48 months ago

        It’s a tough distinction to make though. I would say let’s label it as objectionable content, maybe even ban it from being “promoted” (which honestly I hate that bands can pay to be forced on my home screen anyway) and call it a day.

          68 months ago

          Nah man, let’s hash it out: if your song is about attacking something other people don’t really have a choice in, say skin color, orientation, or health conditions, I’d say it falls under speech that should be shamed.

          People just want to live without really having to fight to exist, and I support that idea.

            48 months ago

            The strongest argument I can come up with for why this should go is that it violates Spotify’s explicit policy on hate speech, inciting hatred against trans people. They remove other stuff that violates, and they were aware this did, as they removed them album artwork, so them deliberately not removing the song isn’t a lack of action, but an action of discrimination in and of itself

            If others want to argue that shouldn’t be Spotify’s policy, we can have that discussion, but if we only have that discussion when trans people are brought up then the discussion was never about free speech and thus arguing platforms, censorship, and tolerance paradoxes is moot. It’s just tone policing

      138 months ago

      Oh but didn’t you know that’s just a slippery slope argument and he’s really just a cool dude and who doesn’t encourage hate or violence? /s

      A whole lotta people in this thread who don’t want to acknowledge that this dude is trash, no matter how good or bad their music is.

      • Queen HawlSera
        18 months ago

        I find it amazing how just generalized human thought is, that just because one false slippery slope has been identified as fallacious, that any argument about a slippery slope is therefore a fallacy and less valid. I do not think Humanity will be saved by the existence of any philosophy or movement, because we will always find some way to pervert the movement or apply the teachings in terrible ways.

          28 months ago

          Slippery slope arguments are usually fallacious because they assert that the slope is slippery while providing zero evidence to support their claim.

          • Queen HawlSera
            18 months ago

            Yes, but the fact that slippery slope is taught as fallacy is a problem, because it creates bro dudes who do not actually debate or connect with the material, but merely want to fulfill their fallacy bingo card.

            I call this erroneous bullshit the fallacy fallacy. Which is the fallacy that labeling fallacies is all you need to prove your intelligence and win a debate it creates this scenario.

            “My doctor says I need to change my diet or I may become diabetic”

            The dude bro could then state that this is an appeal to authority fallacy, because our friend here is taking the doctor’s word for it. This conversation could continue and our friend here may say something like

            “My aunt ignored her doctor and died of cancer. I best follow my doctor’s advice regardless.”

            The dude broke then claim that this is purely anecdotal and is not real evidence of anything.

            Obviously this is an extremely ridiculous example, but I wanted to demonstrate what I was talking about.

            Pseudoskeptics are very dangerous people, but they get listened to simply because they are quick to denounce new age bullshit, and are very likely to not be religious. When in actuality, they are little better then your average QAnon member when it comes to being able to reliably digest information or worse, acting as a source of misinformation.

    8 months ago

    The only people who might like songs like this are people who hate the targets of the lyrics already. Therefore I don’t think cancelling them makes any sense. It just feeds into their “they’re cancelling us!” echo chamber.

    And consider the negative effects: Now way more people know this dumbass exists. Like myself. Even though I don’t think he’ll be getting new converts, he will most probably get more listeners (=money) due to people clutching their pearls like this.

  • roguetrick
    148 months ago

    Spotify plays a fun game. They kept GG Allin’s less racist songs, got rid of Skrewdriver. To be a fly on the wall in those corpo meetings.

  • Queen HawlSera
    128 months ago

    I believe that restrictions on creative freedom are morally wrong, even if the intent is to prevent hurtful or offensive content. Art is meant to be provocative and make a statement after all.

    That said after reading some of the lyrics, it is clear that this song is actually advocating murder via burning of queer individuals, which is both wrong morally and not protected speech under us law.

    8 months ago

    I dislike journalism that gives you their conclusions, but not the evidence by which they drew the conclusions. Quoting a single word is not the same as quoting the lyrics and the context around them so that we could either agree with the conclusion or not.

    Let people be damned by their own actions and their own words, no need to editorialize evidence.

    Here are the actual lyrics

    Not a great take, not a great song, but where was the slur?

    Also no reference to “demons” in these lyrics. Maybe I have the wrong lyrics?

      88 months ago

      Ah I see where you went wrong. That’s the hit song 2 Genders by Tyson James. What this article is about is the hit song Still 2 Genders by Tyson James.

        8 months ago

        Thanks for pointing that out! The original article had linked to the lyrics it would have reduced the confusion…

        I couldn’t find the lyrics for " still two genders ", but I found the music video on YouTube.

        Here’s the video ID, you can put that in the YouTube manually, but I’m not going to link it directly for obvious reasons. Twhftjwdi-k

        They did say demons, " all these demons are going to burn for it"

        And they did call the president a Pedo.

        I didn’t catch everything they said, some of it was a little mumbled, I didn’t catch any other slurs.

        It’s not great, these are not good people. It’s like 4chan made a music video. With the same production values. Even talking about them is winning. Any media attention they get is good for them, they’re so tiny.

      • Kalash
        28 months ago

        Yep, just seems like an ordinary rap song to me.

      78 months ago

      Thank you for posting the actual lyrics. I agree with you, the song is cringe AF, but I don’t see any slurs. A gender critical position is not inherently a derogatory position. The song seems to be arguing for two biological sexes rather than gender (identity) based on its language.

      48 months ago

      There isn’t one, as far as I can tell. The song is cringe as hell and asinine but I don’t see any slurs.

      8 months ago

      Is this a religion they’re insulting here? Because the response to it is very reminiscient of how ultra conservative religious people respond to their beliefs being challenged.

      Do yourselves a favor and grow a thicker skin, people. It’s just an incredibly stupid joke, and the world will never be rid of incredibly stupid jokes, unfortunately.