Does a single district court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars? The answer to that question should be an emphatic ‘No,’ but a majority of this court apparently thinks otherwise
— Justice Alito’s dissent
The answer is “FUCKING YES”. The Court is a co-equal branch to the President and Congress. The Courts have just as much right indicating that the President must uphold contractual obligations as Congress has the power to pass a budget and the President to distribute that funding to the States.
Yes, yes, FUCKING YES, the Courts have this power. The “CHECK” if there is to be one is for Congress to rescind the funding by law. THAT’S FUCKING CHECK DIPSHIT!!! It’s not unchecked, if Congress passes a law indicating that the contracts are pulled, then ta-da, what the Judge said is moot. That’s the FUCKING CHECK!!
Goddamn it, I hate it when these Justices say stupid shit because of their fucking bias and love of Trump’s cock. Just what a fucking moronic statement by Alito. If the Government wants to cancel contracts, Congress has to grant that power. That’s the check on the President. If the President fucking cancels contracts without that power, the Courts can mandate that the contracts be paid, that’s the check on the President. If the President doesn’t like what the Courts say, then they can go to Congress for the authority, and that’s the check on the Courts.
It’s all fucking balanced. What an absolute pile of shit Alito has offered up in this dissent. And what’s worse is that he’d be totally complicit to remand to the lower courts had it been Biden pulling this shit. Suddenly the whole “impoundment” issue would manifest for the Courts.
What an absolute fucking naked ass corrupt pile of horse shit that dissent is. Goddamn, there is zero legitimacy left in that sack of shit that calls itself Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. “UNCHECKED POWER” my fucking ass. What complete horse shit. This fucking country is a goddamn failure.
I mean I always wondered about some of their integrity, especially when judge Thomas was shown to have accepted presents repeatedly and „failed to disclose them“ and nothing really happened.
Alito absolutely needs to be impeached and disbarred for his blatant lack of knowledge surrounding this situation. If he is unable to recognize that federal funding is literally just a law, and a federal judge absolutely has the authority to uphold the law, he does not belong anywhere near the legal system.
— Justice Alito’s dissent
The answer is “FUCKING YES”. The Court is a co-equal branch to the President and Congress. The Courts have just as much right indicating that the President must uphold contractual obligations as Congress has the power to pass a budget and the President to distribute that funding to the States.
Yes, yes, FUCKING YES, the Courts have this power. The “CHECK” if there is to be one is for Congress to rescind the funding by law. THAT’S FUCKING CHECK DIPSHIT!!! It’s not unchecked, if Congress passes a law indicating that the contracts are pulled, then ta-da, what the Judge said is moot. That’s the FUCKING CHECK!!
Goddamn it, I hate it when these Justices say stupid shit because of their fucking bias and love of Trump’s cock. Just what a fucking moronic statement by Alito. If the Government wants to cancel contracts, Congress has to grant that power. That’s the check on the President. If the President fucking cancels contracts without that power, the Courts can mandate that the contracts be paid, that’s the check on the President. If the President doesn’t like what the Courts say, then they can go to Congress for the authority, and that’s the check on the Courts.
It’s all fucking balanced. What an absolute pile of shit Alito has offered up in this dissent. And what’s worse is that he’d be totally complicit to remand to the lower courts had it been Biden pulling this shit. Suddenly the whole “impoundment” issue would manifest for the Courts.
What an absolute fucking naked ass corrupt pile of horse shit that dissent is. Goddamn, there is zero legitimacy left in that sack of shit that calls itself Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. “UNCHECKED POWER” my fucking ass. What complete horse shit. This fucking country is a goddamn failure.
I mean I always wondered about some of their integrity, especially when judge Thomas was shown to have accepted presents repeatedly and „failed to disclose them“ and nothing really happened.
Alito absolutely needs to be impeached and disbarred for his blatant lack of knowledge surrounding this situation. If he is unable to recognize that federal funding is literally just a law, and a federal judge absolutely has the authority to uphold the law, he does not belong anywhere near the legal system.