• jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Russian kool aid

    It is understandable to be pro-war and a total warmonger because growing up in the United States, all the propaganda we hear and are taught since we are born is done to make us not question or critically think about our imperialist ways.

    Growing up and learning the non-propaganda history and other views should shift you away from US military propaganda of liking forever wars and the blind nationalism of bringing “democracy” to Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.

    shady shit

    That is a major downplaying and rewriting of the true history of our country.

    Here is a small example of what we do to other countries and the only reason we know about this is due to it being leaked by great people: https://lemmy.world/post/15002828

    I suggest reading up on the military leaks and many more independent journalists, fewer legacy media viewpoints; the major ones are Julian Assange and Edward Snowden leaks.

    Russian propaganda

    You do know that people can come to the same conclusion without needing others to tell us what to think or being tricked into seeing the world a certain way…

    I suggest learning about the Uhuru Three and the Uhuru Movement: https://lemmy.world/post/23366029

    I got reminded of a song: dead prez - They School | https://lemmy.world/post/26450948

    • witnessbolt@lemm.ee
      7 days ago

      Bud you are talkin’ to the wroooong person. The MAGA movement repeatedly claimed Trump is the anti-war president

      Check OP’s profile. They are explicitly pushing the Russian view that NATO and the US are encroaching on Russia

      I’m not trying to downplay and I apologize if I comes off that way, but if you stop being a bad actor or playing devil’s advocate for the sake of it, we’re obviously not talking about the US’s crimes right now or of course we can start a list. We have to have a degree of focus in conversations

      Care to explain the Uhuru relevance? You are bordering on bad actor territory, seemingly to imply that it is not true that folks in the US are Russian agents. Did you drink the kool aid?

      Look up “Foundations of Geopolitics” and “Project Russia” – when you look at their own words of wanting to dismantle us from within via propaganda and turning us anti-globalist and understand that every investigation (all of them Republican led) found Russian interference in the election to Trump’s benefit, only unable to find further crimes due to Trump’s refusal to cooperate with the investigations

      And now we are explicitly refusing to back Ukraine and are seemingly turning to drop sanctions on Russia… by a President alleged to, if nothing else, have been financed by Russian money since the 80s when his casino was crashing

      You may be unwilling to accept Trump is directly a Russian agent, but to deny that we are in this situation partially due to Russia never truly dropping the Cold War is beyond stupidity at this point. It is outright denial of reality

      • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
        7 days ago

        They are explicitly pushing the Russian view that NATO and the US are encroaching on Russia

        US started the war and wanted it continued as long as possible. Diminish Russia to the last Ukrainian. Denying that reality, while clinging to a return to it to this day does not make your propaganda true, by calling reality the Russian view.

        War on Russia is not just evil, it is stupid and has made them stronger instead of weaker. War on everyone is evil, including manipulating democracy such that all the progressive options are warmongering pro US empire evil. Among the top 3 sycophantic depravity acts of Trudeau, is a response to an unjustified war on Canada by US, to support unjustified US war on Mexico by agreeing to terrorist designation of cartels.

        As completely evil as Republicans are, if they get to focus on the issue of neocon warmongering derangement evil of their opposition, that becomes an easy win for them, because that is the single greatest evil of all, and rabidly returning to Empire is neither progressive, nor possible to balance progressive mandates with the megalomania. Those European moderates/progressives CIA/neocon puppets now rabidly tripling down on a losing war by sacrificing social spending for either direct war on Russia, or begging to buy extortion priced weapons from US so that it returns to NATO and Ukrainian nazification.

        World peace does not happen through propagandizing far better leaders than our own who contain oligarchy and US empire control over democracy as being evil. The result is this incoherent unprincipled hate as supposedly being inclusive of progressiveness.

        • witnessbolt@lemm.ee
          6 days ago

          Be quiet, Russian/Russian bootlicker. No one wants your lies and poison here.

          “Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism neoliberal GLOBALIST Western hegemony”

          Released in 1997. Became Russian military doctrine and evolved into Project Russia

          If Russia does not want war, tell Russia to fuck off. We are at war with Russia because Russia remains at war with us.


          Edit: also to be very clear - this Russian author still works for & produces works that are all very Russia centric and 100% in line with this book. This is not something that was planted and went away. This IS how Russia operates. You can see this for yourself, you really don’t have to trust me. Just don’t trust these bad actors.

          • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
            6 days ago

            “Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism neoliberal GLOBALIST Western hegemony”

            I’ll read the link.

            Democracy is so appreciated because it is the easiest vector for oligarchy, zionism, and US empire to control nations. Much of that control is to align demonism against “axis of resistance”. That democracy can include parties that oppose US hegemony or enjoy divisiveness, and can outsource or amplify any divisive or PEACE message, is part of democracy. But hysteria over foreign interference that is not US or Israel, just makes it easier for a democracy to be a completely unanimously subservient colonty to US and Israel.

            If Russia does not want war, tell Russia to fuck off. We are at war with Russia because Russia remains at war with us.

            1997 was period of Russia’s most corrupt democratic stooge for CIA interests. So still interested in link. Despite US love for Yeltsin, Russia could understand that US has always wanted to destroy it, and that it would need to participate in information/propaganda war.

            This is the 2nd comment I received in last few minutes emphasizing that a kenetic war on Russia is justified because they participate in the disinformation of democracy. Corrupt evil by heads of state and their state aligned media, with force CIA written articles, are justified because there exists low reach click farms that may or may not have FSB funding. It is still extreme idiocy to think that kenetic threats to Russia, and childish propaganda lies, is a path to stop what you accuse Russia of, and definitely in hindsight, had the slightest chance of actually diminishing Russia instead of destroying yourselves.

            Instead of interpreting my statements against demonic evil as pro-Russia, consider them as anti-stupid.

            • witnessbolt@lemm.ee
              6 days ago

              More brainrot and lies from the Russian bootlicker. Notice how the propaganda moron doesn’t actually take on the facts provided merely avoids them, CLAIMS they will read them, but continues to attack things without actually reading.

              Russian bootlicking coward. Also notice how he ends this with saying even if I am right, he says Russia was justified.

              100% a Russian propaganda bot or a fully corrupt bootlicker.

              • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
                6 days ago

                I asked you for the link… valiant patriotic hero of Langley Airforce Base.

                You’ve possibly heard of PNAC or RAND report for Ukraine blueprint. All evil is justified because some Russian might have written something in 1997, and there is no history before then that could justify that reaction.

                • witnessbolt@lemm.ee
                  6 days ago

                  No you didn’t. I provided you one - the link to the wiki of the Foundations of Geopolitics. Your reply was “I’ll read the link.” It’s literally above. Why are you lying?

                  You’d have to read Russian or find a translation of the book to read it yourself. Though that doesn’t seem to be a problem for you

                  Valiant patriotic heroic of Moscow

                  • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
                    6 days ago

                    ok. didn’t realize that was a book title instead of basics. Plenty of US neocon fantasy fic gets written too. Waste of time to determine good vs evil based on the existance of fan fic.