Hello everyone,

I wanted to share a comprehensive cloud-init YAML file that I’ve put together for setting up a robust server environment. It’s tailored towards creating a secure, user-friendly, and developer-ready setup right from the get-go. Here’s a glimpse of what it covers:

  1. Locale, Keyboard, and Timezone Configuration: Sets up the basic locale, keyboard layout, and timezone for the system.
  2. User and Group Management: Creates system and regular users, assigns them to groups, and sets up sudo and SSH key authentication.
  3. Package Management: Installs a range of essential and useful packages, including fail2ban, ufw, nginx, certbot, sbcl, emacs, git, and many more. It also handles automatic package updates and upgrades.
  4. Security Enhancements: Configures SSH, ufw firewall, and fail2ban for better security.
  5. Nginx Setup: Sets up Nginx with a reverse proxy and SSL using Certbot.
  6. Git, SBCL, SLIME, and Quicklisp Setup for User: Sets up a ready-to-code Lisp environment for the user.

I believe this setup can save a lot of time and ensure a solid foundation for anyone looking to deploy applications or development environments on cloud instances. It’s especially geared towards those who prefer a Lisp-friendly environment.


Feel free to use, modify, or suggest improvements to this setup. I’m open to feedback and would love to hear your thoughts or experiences with similar setups. Let’s make server setup a breeze!