I’ve got three categories up for discussion; who has got a better (1) two year consecutive season peak, (2) overall skill/talent, and (3) overall career/accomplishment so far.

Also, I want to hear your ideas why Lillard was named top 75 while guys like Paul George hasn’t. Atm I aside from being political I don’t see any reason why Lillard deserves top 75 while George doesn’t. Or perhaps Lillard’s leadership quality trumps George elite two-way value. Lillard was also a bit more consistent than PG and has better career statline. Tho PG suffered a great deal of injuries and was toe to toe with lebron before injuries. Kindly illuminate me please. Thanks! Fan of both btw.

  • shanmustafa@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    two year consecutive peak

    it’s TWO year peak, PG had a fake MVP season, but the year before and the year after, he’s back to 22/6/4 on mid shooting

    Dame on the other hand, 20 and 21, 29/3/8 on 62.5% TS




    both have 1x all nba first, Dame has 7x all nba, PG is 6x, and Dame has more 2nd teams as well

    Dame has 5 top 10 MVP finishes

    PG has 2

      • shanmustafa@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        i’m not, i just don’t give double credit for all nba + all defense

        PG is all nba BECAUSE he’s a good offensive player and a great defensive player

        if he was just his offense, he’s not an all nba player

        only some players in nba history are just all nba based purely on their offense or defense, PG isn’t one of them, he’s there because he’s good on both ends

    • Drag0nborn1234@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      You are kinda looking at both the wrong years and you are only looking at scoring. Dame never had an MVP case simply because he never led a team good enough to even win a MVP…PG did.

      Also PG is one of the best wing defenders of the past decade together with arguably one of the best 2 way players.

      The only reason it’s even close is because of his injury, after which honestly I wasn’t even sure if he’d ever play again.