Long story short, we came across someone real who blasts 300 million emails a month. Her list is composed of a large segment of our customers.
We are in talks currently but I was wondering if anyone else here blasted to that magnitude and whether they saw any possible liabilities relating to domain score since our site will be linked within through a CTA.
For those that did, how did it turn out? Were there any things you would have done differently with your first blast on that size?
The bottom number doesn’t really mean much besides putting you at risk. What are her open rates? Click rates? If people click, what is the conversion rate? Etc
You can blast everyone on the planet but if it’s not targeted, personalized, etc it’ll be a waste of time and resources.
I’ve worked with some large e-commerce companies that aren’t that high, but >100M. They have very robust tracking, segmentation, personalization, etc. I couldn’t imagine anyone having success at that scale without those things at a 10/10.
In the industry of email marketing, it’s not rare to come across people claiming to be sending massive amounts of email.
It turns out it isn’t super hard to send the email, what’s hard is that it is received.
So you either found someone whose emails get read by like 5% of the world population, or you found someone who is blissfully unaware that their mails don’t even reach spam.
Thanks for your comment! I narrowed down into specifics. Her database is much smaller than previously advertised.
If your IP is warm enough for 300M emails, you wont have a problem.
However if you normally send ie 10k emails a day, its likely that 90% of this 300M messages will be blocked by ISP’s or redirected to spam and your send IP is rekt + sender domain score in the gutter.
It will take months to recover.
It doesnt matter to where your redirect from your CTA’s, this can be Google or your own website. It matters from which domain Email is sent from, and obviously if you have configured it properly on auth side - DKIM, SPF, MX records etc.
I always delete spam.
Sounds like a disaster waiting to happpen.
300M is the entire US population of adults (and then some) numerically just so we’re clear. That’s too many emails to have been correctly opted in for anyone not on the fortune 500. Be really careful if any are in Europe, they have really strict standards now.