On the address https://etherscan.io/address/0x42133a281c3d8697b79fe5c6f575644136a842f3/advanced The overall balance is not updated. The Internal Tx is shown as successful, but this is not reflected in the total balance. On this account it should be ~8.5ish but is showing only 5.9
Are the Internal transactions super slow to be confirmed and reflected (even after successful execution)?
PS: Please no DM-ing me. If you have something to say, say it in this thread.
The total add up to 5.9 eth. There are no errors.
Mafs. It’s all fine, the account should have 5.9 including the internal transaction
Something’s weird. Noticed my Ledger has been showing a 2.6ETH from the start…so this entire time the tally was wrong?
So that’s where the confusion is stemming from apparently…