So, my lens has a focus ring, and I took one picture. Then, I realized all the rest of the photos were blurry. I thought I fixed it, but I actually didn’t completely fix the focus and didn’t realize my mistake until I was home and loaded up the photos on my camera. How do I tell this to the client?
The level of profissional photographers that can be found on this sub never ceases to amaze me.
Last week some guy was shocked that his client was complaining they couldn’t print his photos to any meaningful size. Turns out he was delivering 2MP images.
Today we have an entire photo shoot out of focus because the lens has a focusing ring.
Up next, how some poor sods lost their wedding photos because of a meddling lens cap.
Yep. And this is what is killing photography.
Every amateur and their dog with a phone/camera that’s been taking snaps for a month and thinks they should start charging for them!
Let’s just hope this wasn’t a wedding.
No it wasn’t
Great. Repeat the shoot.
Your camera doesn’t illuminate parts of the reticle that are in focus? My old 6d does that even when using manual focus
I don’t really see the connection between the lens having a focus ring, needing any fixing and you not seeing that every picture is out of focus