Dont do this. You guys gonna get killed in the playoffs now
Is Steph supposed to be a good defender? Seems like if you cooked Green or Wiggins or Payton it’d be more impressive
He posted his block on curry too
Welp know okc about to get a 30 piece on them for the remainder of Steph’s career 😂😂😂
Foolish move.
Warriors are terrible but Steph can still fry you any night.
ThSGA making a post about cooking Steph in the regular season is Corny. If Booker (a better player) did this, entire r/NBA would be killing him. Tell SGA to make the playoffs first as the #1 option before making these insane posts.
Allen Iverson crossovered MJ and never boasted about it. Man had a block on a NBA legend and he share a compilation on his Instagram
I simultaneously love it and think he’s playing with fire.
“Oh yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!”
-Steph, probably
My goodness. Please keep it doing it. The pettiness will approach Djokovic levels.
Glad I will never have to see it.
I support this
Ah hell steph going for 50 next time they play okc
upvoting to make sure the Petty King sees this shit.
You know what, I respect it we need some legitimate trash talk and you obviously can’t do it during the game anymore
Elder abuse!