I recently had a a collaborative job with another photographer for my full time employer. He handed me over files to bundle our photos for handover and his work was awful. Bad colours, out of focus and banding in the skies. Bad framing etc. Just all round sub standard. I spent a full day editing his work because we split up the work i had to use his photos too. I had a look through his online portfolio and connected on LinkedIn and he constantly posts bad photos with his logo on them. However he’s good at business and has been a professional photographer for 30 years and does so many jobs freelance. I just can’t believe how confident he is putting out substandard work. Its something we can all be guilty of but this was another level of bad.

I started out in photography straight from school and by the time I was 22 I thought I was amazing. I look back now 16 years later and laugh at my mediocre photography and cock sure confidence. I’m now 10 times more skilled and experienced but with only half the confidence. Has anyone else cone across photographer like this at professional level?

In short I worked with a photographer who’s bad but doesn’t seem to know it.

  • ThePuzz1e@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    The thing here is that you are equating technical photography skill with commercial success. This happens very often and you won’t be surprised to find that some of the greatest charting music artists have the least technical ability.

    You may be obsessed with colour banding and correcting highlights, but I can guarantee you that 90+% of the general public don’t care. Get the composition right, capture an important moment, add some bokeh and filters - most people are really happy.

    You want to be a commercial success as a photographer? Learn how to market yourself and become an expert in managing relationship with your clients.