Does anyone feel guilty at times about lying? I work from my own laptop doing project work and admin. No company or org laptops. They haven’t necessarily asked where I am, they simply assume I am in the region. I don’t correct them and generally just avoid the topic like local restaurants or news.

I know they would axe me immediately if they found out. The culture is very excessive lovey dovey (initially anyways - we are all a family here type stuff) but overtime I see the red flags. So I am not saying much. Keeping my head idown and working. Though I do feel guilty about this disguise and all. Anyone too?

    10 months ago

    Capitalism is based on exploiting people’s time and labor for profit. It’s systemically designed into the system we all work under. They will take anything they can from you.

    Labor managing to exploit capital’s time and labor is just as fair in a capitalistic system. You should take whatever you can from them.

    No lie happening here. Just buisness.