I am starting to wonder why my server system is making SO much heat. I live in Norway, so outside temperature is around freezing, and my house I keep it around 25 degrees inside, except no heating in the server room. It got a roof extraction vent that is constantly sucking out air in that room, and I just had it inspected to be working perfectly fine.
Still its always over 30 degrees in that room, and the hot air is oozing from the server. Its just a consumer based drive and a couple of switches, plus a UPS, and its so warm in there.
Im getting afraid the high temperature can affect the hardware when its 30-35 degrees inside the server rack
Living in The Netherlands - and although Gulf Stream and such make it much more timid/neutral than Norway, literally every home here has “mechanical ventilation” - for example https://www.ithodaalderop.nl/nl-NL/consument/product/03-00398
And at least for about a decade or so - “Heat Recovery” types of ventilation were already a thing - say https://www.ithodaalderop.nl/nl-NL/consument/product/03-00407
In your case it might be more effective to set this “Heat Recovery” in a way where it’s heat from your server room used as “OUT” and then other places (say living room, kitchen, hallways) are “IN”.