So, long story short: I shot a wedding over two years ago and included some printed photos in the contract. They digital photos were sent to the clients within a week of the wedding and they were asked to look them over and choose which ones they would like to have printed. Skip to two days ago, when the bride messaged me and is asking if they can still have their printed photos, since they forgot to let me know which ones they wanted, or even respond to my reminders (which I sent for about 3 months after the wedding). im not in a place financially to print out a bunch of photos, and I think letting two years go by without even answering my messages is the clients responsibility, but I’m having a hard time coming up with a response for them since there’s nothing in the contract about time limit (I know… dumb on my part). Anyone have any ideas?
Maybe offer to have them printed at cost ? Plenty of cheaper canvas options Walgreens has decent canvas in store and runs 70% off all the time