I’ve seen that professional photographers use white borders around their photos on Instagram, why do they make their photos smaller by doing that? To preserve image quality?
If that is so why don’t they just use standard 1:1 , 3:4 or landscape mode which ig supports instead of custom crops
Hi! I do this and there are a few reasons why. I shoot 3:2 and want my photos to retain their entire frame. I add white bars to the side which, after you have posted a few, helps break up the images on your profile as people scroll. And when I add my post my story, the white bars on the side naturally run into the white bars IG will add to the top and bottom, making a nice frame.
TL;DR I do it because I like the way it looks and it helps convey what I see as a photographer.
I was wondering what white bars you’re talking about. But then I figured I’m using dark mode.