For any of you entrepreneurs that have an online website presence or even if your site is your main source of income - have you ever considered a website monitor service? I recently launched a mvp of my software that monitors websites to ensure they are up and running and alerts you if an issue is detected. Also every hour it does a visual inspection of the page to see if more than 50% of content was changed and alerts you (in case it’s hacked)

I’m just looking to see if such service would be something of interest and if so what features would you want to see.

My idea of the tool is something that you set and forget. I don’t want it to be another tool that you have to always log into and track etc etc.

I’m really trying to learn the must have and even the nice to have features to grow this product.

  • pjani5@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Allow adding upto 3 competitors website of the customer. regularly scan them, compare and provide feedback on the customer’s contents.

  • happy_songs@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What you’re offering does sound interesting and potentially useful, especially for those running a business that relies heavily on a functioning, secure website. However, there are already quite a few tools in the market that offer a similar service.

    With the wealth of options, individual user needs can vary widely. A key factor in deciding to use a particular service often comes down to how it integrates with the tools and workflows the business is already using. For example, would your software seamlessly integrate with WordPress or Shopify sites? Would it offer any information or insights beyond simply an alert when the site is down or potentially hacked?

    Furthermore, the “set it and forget it” approach is attractive, but one must wonder how it might also impact your alert system. I presume a user would want to be alerted immediately in case of a website malfunction. Is this something your system is able to provide on a 24/7 basis? And how would you ensure the alerts would get through to the user, given how cluttered our inboxes can be?

    All these aspects feed into the fruitful conversation you’ve begun here. Understanding what specific niche demands your product can meet and how it can stand out from the myriad of existing solutions is critical in shaping its potential for success.

    • yevo_@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Appreciate the response. Yes many options exist and all pretty much due similar thing. As far as integration - there is no integration needed. Nothing is being installed. You just enter the website address and it starts monitoring it.

      So it works like this : every 15 minutes (default but can be set to as low as 10 seconds by the user) it goes and checks the status of the site to ensure it is up and running. Every hour it does a visual inspection of the site and if it detects 50% or greater change visually from before it will alert the user.

      The alert method is email and SMS is being added. Hope that clarifies some things