So like the title says, I have creative ideas and always try to include my wife in discussions, but all she ever brings to the table is problems and negativity when we discuss things. She thinks she’s being “pragmatic” but it’s tremendously disheartening and the problems she imagines are always the absolute worst of the worst case scenarios. Everything I’ve ever read or watched when it comes to starting businesses is, just start and figure out the problems later. I’m well aware of the potential for difficulties in any endeavor, but tend to believe in myself and my ability to adapt and overcome. Has anyone else experienced this? How did you find middle ground, if at all?
She’s wrong and stupid. Iam a business man and I’ll tell you whilst it is better identifying problems before hand. You want these problems to be basic problems like shipping, expenses etc More complex problems require adaptation and experience, plus when you go this way through adaption to the markets you’ll usually find much better solutions as you tend to try harder. Don’t listen to your wife ever when it comes to solutions unless it’s simple as women tend to think in a more simplistic manner, have her deal with the finance and budgeting department in your business to make her happy.