Hi guys, sometimes I try something new to compare with already used packages, this weekend I wanted to try Eglot, however, I ran into a number of problems. One of them is autocomplete.
For example, when I write in vue, I want to autocomplete a watch
function. This function is available in the following packages
import { watch } from 'vue';
import { watch } from 'fs';
import { watch } from 'fs/promises'
... etc
But when I use autocomplete in eglot I only see the first candidate - importing from the fs package. Is there any possibility or workaround to display all possible candidates?
Example of autocomplete with eglot
Example of autocomplete with lsp-mode
I also know that lsp-mode in conjunction with corfu has a similar problem, but it is impossible to solve it there as the authors of both packages think that the problem is not on their side 😅 Is the situation with eglot the same?
Something like that would be generally easy to see very soon (completion popup without both icons and annotations). This approach has worked for years for both Emacs’s default UI and company-mode, so it’s hard to call it fragile.
I suppose it might have been a cause for investigation for some backend authors at some point, but backends would generally avoid internal copying anyway, for performance reasons if nothing else.