P2P network with no servers. Added “communities” with Facebook-like posts (my preference). Looks cool but it’s missing a lot of details and it seems like there’s almost no one using it at the moment, despite feeling very polished.

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    1 year ago

    Source code exists for all programs. Sure. Did the developers of this program make their code available somewhere? i can’t prove they didn’t, but they are not helping by not making it clearly available.

    If you want people to trust/use a new privacy focused end to end encrypted protocol/program then code must be released for people to have any hope of trusting you.

    Otherwise your just yet another facebook clone.

    At this point with the code not readily available, my advice is to forget about this project.

    P.S. If the developer released their code on a old usb-stick duct taped to the back of a wawa bathroom toilet on a new jersey turnpike… they are only demonstrating how far from the privacy mindset they really are.