To me, it seems like we have a flawed system. Children had to be poisoned before the FDA took any action, and now…
Because the finished pouches, but not the cinnamon itself, were shipped to the U.S., the agency cannot take direct action against Negasmart or Carlos Aguilera, officials said.
So they can’t even restrict the import of these products? What kind of protection is this? Nothing about this makes me feel very confident in the safety of our food supply.
They are. It they simply say they can’t take action against a manafacture’s supplier if their supplier’s product never came to the US. They are already taking action against the manafacture themselves. It’s like a farmer making tainted wheat in Kansas, selling it to wonderbread to be made into bread in Indiana, then wonderbread selling it in Canada. Does Canada take action againt that farmer in another country for a transaction not under their purview that they have no control over.
my take is that cinnamon was cut with chrome orange, it’s dense and and they are paid per gram
similar incidents happened in india and bangladesh where turmeric was cut with chrome yellow
So this is what was causing all of those applesauce poisonings.