Stating that BG3 is D:OS3 is a massive compliment.
Divinity is great
I still haven’t gotten past the first town in D:OS2
Hey me too! I played DOS1, but DOS2 fizzled in first town. It felt too slow, or something?
I want to play BG3, but is my interest doomed?
Honestly, when it first entered early access it basically was. Surfaces were murderous until they fixed them
Surfaces murdered Jihira in my recent run :(
She survived the fight clearing out the bottom floor of the tower, and then walked over one of the static placed spots of blue flames and died. I couldn’t revive her since she wasn’t yet joined to my camp, and I wasn’t in the mood to reload and do that fight over again. :/
Just wish it was less RNG heavy. Dos2 was still pretty RNG heavy but not as much. Then again I’m not really a fan of DnD combat.
Wouldn’t it be Divinity 7?