It looks like it’s time to “shop around”. What registrar are you guys using?
I haven’t really shopped around in a while, I just use the gandi forwarding rather than hosting mail, so the changes haven’t hit me yet. I hear is pretty good. They don’t offer free email but they do have cheap email hosting and apparently the cheapest prices for registering a domain.
Cloudflare offers registration of most domains at their wholesale cost.
@g5pw Porkbun
I use INWX. Prices are very cheap and their DNS supports most of the record-types available, which I didn‘t have at some of the registrars I was at before.
How does the INWX DNS edit look like? In their docs I saw they offer a table where you can edit records one by one, using their predefined form. Do they also offer a way to edit all records at once as text?
I like Cloudflare’s registrar a lot. Zero BS and great integration with the other services I’m already using.
Yeah, that’s a solid choice! I’ve used their proxy service and was pretty solid.