• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I met a guy in the city that supported himself selling cracked firesticks, I shit you not. 40 bucks a pop and it’d be plug and play all the way supposedly, and that’s all he did, sell those via word of mouth.

    As an old, I have to chuckle at the whole thing as it reminds me of the '80s when (if you knew who to talk to) you could pay a guy to open up your 13 channel, wood paneled cable box, move a few things around, and give you free Home Box Office. It was the tits, let me tell you.

    Fuck, I’m getting old.

  • I like the concept. I actually actively avoid gaming forums as much as I can because they seem to all become one of two things: either completely overrun by people who hate the game and can’t shut up about it, even though they don’t play it anymore, or completely overrun by people who claim to hate the game and can’t shut up about how much they hate it, even though they have thousands of hours in it and play it like it’s a full time job.