Eh maybe twenty an hour. Some days like Thanksgiving is around a hundred an hour. Some days a dollar an hour. I carried a net.
Like you only need to connect your books to a lender app and you will have all working capital you desire.
Wtf just connect to a lender.
I need someone to make a minimum of two sales. Guaranteed commission is $3,500. Non Guaranteed commission is $1,000,000.
I would be super happy if my wife were only negative. Mine brings anger and degradation.
One sale is probably the solution for both of us.
I would build my inventions and make a beautiful portfolio. I am trying to get ten percent of that amount to kickstart my projects.
One option is to use the money towards debt funding so you would be able to have even more money and free roll.
I would try to do add on programming instead of an app.
I am good at the failing part and bad at the financial part.
We need a CFO.
One button for employers and one button for employees
I need someone to direct connect to my laptop and manage stores.
Enroll in University seems like the best answer.
I am willing to give you the same deal without the money investment.
Ok I will give you one of my ideas. Rather than guzzle four gallons of water in the morning. I want to invent a water dripper that has a straw where I would be able to take a swig of water when I wake in the middle of the night.
Seems super reasonable to try the highest price possible for your type of product. She should be making a partner is too stingy and is being an asshole post.
I am gifted where I am able to easily come up and recognize whether an idea is amazing or not. It sounds like you would like validation.
My struggle is financial.
B or C.
A sounds like a B2B company.
Hire someone.
I actually bought a bell today so I will go to the main part of town and make it happen.
Outsource some of your work.
Let’s get in touch seems off. Maybe only “Get in Touch”
I would change the yellow aiwhoo to a.i.whoo