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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Personally I would love a movie or mini-series - which leans heavily on the more graphic, grounded aspects of the EU - beginning with the Malachor V incident, showcasing the backstory and rise of both Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus - ultimately being found by Darth Traya and forming the Sith Triumvirate. I’d love an open-ending that shows Sion taking the Republic Vessel and arriving at Peragus, and a post-credits scene of Nihilus sending Visas Marr to hunt Meetra Surik.

    I’d also love to see a series with Gungi set 100yrs or so after the OT in which he’d be restoring or expanding a new Galactic Jedi Order as a threat from the Void begins to destabilize the galaxy. Ideally he’d have the wisdom of Yoda (if not more) but without Yoda’s arrogance, given his coming-of-age during the CW and the GCW

  • My boss told me something that will always stay with me. I’ve never known him to lie, so I have no reason not to believe him - but nevertheless this is still a personal anecdote.

    Anyway, he told me that when he was a teenager, his family had gotten to a point where they moved out of a bad neighborhood and into a rather affluent one thanks to some luck from his parents. He said he went to the store one day and a homeless person was outside the store, asking for help getting back on his feet. My boss, being the asshole teenager he was, told the person to, “just get a job.”

    He said the person humbled him immediately, and told him in a very respectful, but firm manner, that he lost his wife and son due a car wreck the year before - that he went bankrupt and eventually homeless paying for their medical bills while they lived, and for their funerals when they died.

    My boss tells this story to our new-hires when he can. He typically says that all this person needed was for someone to believe in them and give them another chance, because no one truly helped them when they needed it most.