• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • My brother in Christ and all his disciples, can we just go back to the quick settings from Android 11 that is accessible when holding and using the phone with one hand and has more than 4 options? Or, and I know this sounds CRAZY, give users a choice? If you are going to harp on Apple about locking their ecosystem down, then when you introduce new methods of navigation keep some way of going back to the old way.

    I can even do this in the shit box that is Windows 11. I finally had to use and interact with it for the first time this week, and with the installation of two programs I was able to get the start menu, taskbar, and right click menu back to the way I want. Even installing Lineage OS on my phone can’t get me back to the old quick settings tiles as far as I am aware of.

  • Just want to let you know that you aren’t alone. I have talked to a number of women who advocate for things like DEI and acceptance (which is something I also believe quite strongly in) but often default to preferring more traditional gender norms in dating. When pressed on the issue (not like I’m interrogating them just through normal conversations and getting to know them) they will inevitably say that it is ultimately “just their preference”.

    What I find so odd about that “preference” is if a man behaves in accordance with the traditional/societal gender norms in the beginning of the courting process, why is it surprising that they do the same thing later in the relationship when it comes to sharing emotional labor or various types of household chores?

    I know the below is taking it to a bit of an extreme example but that behavior and “preference” often reminds me the sentiment “the only moral abortion is my abortion”. Like I get it, there are a lot of shitty people out there who have no interest in putting in the effort, and they absolutely are not worth the time and effort, but when you do meet someone who is willing to put in that effort, it isn’t really fair to treat them like all those other people.

  • I kinda wish my employer would do something like this for our current applications. Right before I started working there they switched from giving engineers desktops to laptops (work station laptops but still). There are some advantages to having a laptop like being able to work from home or use it in a meeting, but I would much prefer the extra power from a desktop. In mind the best of both worlds would be to have a relatively cheap laptop that basically acts as a thin client so that I can RDP into a dedicated server or workstation for my engineering applications. But what do I know ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Mostly because I’m trying to survive and get to the next day. I do not have the financial or social safety net required to do so. Really it’s the latter that is the problem. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted a year. It wasn’t a quick one and done kind of thing. As a society we are much less socially connected than we were in the past and we don’t really have other people to rely on.

    I agree with what you are saying, by not marching in the streets I am part of the problem. I don’t know man, shit is fucked. I’m doing what I can but it’s not much.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up like one of the White Rose. It hasn’t even been a century since then, smh.
