Poly is erc20, and can go in layer 1 of lsw. Polyx is not compatible at all, different chain.
You will need to do token request for it to be added to layer2, but I suspect minimal liquid on l2.
Poly is erc20, and can go in layer 1 of lsw. Polyx is not compatible at all, different chain.
You will need to do token request for it to be added to layer2, but I suspect minimal liquid on l2.
It depends on the networks. using optimism > loopring you can’t. But ethereum > polygon does support usdc/usdt.
This is because orbiter has to have pools on each chain, so if not enough volume probably not worth the work to have eth as well as usdc/usdc. As adoption continues I think this will be better supported.
Best to see what lowest tx fee on your cex for eth, then use orbiter.finance to give you a quote. You don’t need to connect wallet to get quote on proposed tx.
Ethereum is a bit bullish last 4 weeks, making eth gas fees higher. It was low prior that you could easily use points.
Best to see if you can layerswap or use on ramp direct to l2.
Alternatively, you could buy eth, send via optimism to metamask, then orbiter from optimism to loopring, then you can send to your main loop wallet. This depends on cex, which eth tx fee is cheapest.
Hey 👋
So dealing with layer 1 eth will cost more than layer 2, got to wait for gas to be low. Currently 38, and upto 50 gwei. Best wait for 15 to 20 or lower.
When gas is low, it will cost a lot less to activate and once activated, you can upgrade contract. Contract upgrade doesn’t need to occur right away.
Contract upgrade is so loopring can push advanced features in future, think security upgrades, maybe ens transfer, or other special wallet features.
Very 2.3.0 Contract upgrade is pay once, and enjoy upgrades for free forever after that.
*to get gas low, people often wait to sunday AM.
u/the77helios u/brachsterX
Yep, lsw android and ios.
Main screen, and press the bell icon upper right daily to gains points. Once you get to 7 or 8 days, it will be 100 points per day.
You should jump on discord and post this on ama, it would be interesting question for the team.
Cian are also looking into doing something with lrc, nothing set in stone yet. I’m keen to see what they come up with, they are also asking to hear idea’s from others about how this could proceed.
As more activity occurs on loopring, the return rate will increase. This is most likely because bullish market, hopefully full bull market returning.
Once I get to setting usdc to GBP, it wants to create an order/do the kyc thing with banxa. I’ll give a try when I get home shortly.
Hopefully, another UK loopring/crypto user will come by and see this and offer some help. Must be a trusted exchange that is UK compatible.
Loopring wallet > receive > on ramp > banxa > select sell.
GBP is available, looks good to go. Can you see this? If not, maybe check if the app is updated.
Can you jump on discord?
u/the77helios Can you help with this?
I’m so sorry, this sounds like an exploit scam contract on metamask wallet.
Probably, first step. Send any remaining funds to safe wallet. Loopring smart wallet is extremely safe.
Just worry about funds for now, leave suss nfts and tokens alone, do not send. Only legit tokens.
Second step. Burn wallet or use revoke.cash to check signature approvals and revoke any suss approvals.
What is this wallet? It’s not metamask is it?
I can probably give you an idea on what to do once I understand what wallet, and what chains is it on.
As long as you have the passphrase from gme wallet, your nfts are safe (onchain).
If you have seed phrase, just install metamask and choose existing wallet, enter seed phrase and done.
Then use mm wallet to login to games or imx marketplace.
Seen some cool stuff on loopexchange so no doubt some loopheads in the know.
You could also try reach out to some creators on r/CollectibleAvatars - Some of those folks have amazing skill sets, and have been pretty friendly about sharing what and how.
Well if we did eth now at 1850, and tomorrow eth only makes it to 1825. Then the 1850 dual investment will run again until success or you manually cancel.
Maybe try update app first.
If already updated, maybe smart contract upgrade issue. Go to layer 1 near the price, is there a little “i” information logo? Press that it will give you details about contract upgrade.
Check to see if app update is available?