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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I have to say, I suspected this. Being honest. I said to myself, “What could run off Stamets,” and that’s exactly what I came up with. The benefit of being closer to 40 than 30 I guess.

    Now to join your community. Thank you genuinely for commenting here for me to see directly. I’m not good at creating content (every time I ever got a burst of creativity on reddit I was banned for posting too much so I just stopped making memes) but I comment like a sumbitch!

  • Autism can present in many ways and many “levels.” Are you talking about making all of your gnomes a specific, similar presentstion (ASD 1?) Or are you talking about specific stereotypes of autism? Are you talking about giving them all your very specific brand of behaviors associated with an autism diagnosis?

    Because this is all important. If you’re making them all have racial traits that are like you, then I say, have at, but maybe don’t call it autism specifically, because you’re representing a specific type and others might feel unrepresented. Or if you’re making them all have behaviors we associate with a specific type of ASD, then make sure there’s room in there for them to present in their unique ways.

    Example: All gnomes have ASD traits. Make a roll on a chart for all known associated behaviors, randomly assigning those traits. Maybe this gnome is bad at eye contact, but maybe that one is bad at eye contact and also hypersensitive to sound. Maybe this one is extremely interested in obscure music, or that one is really great at drawing.

    There’s a lot to figure out but I think you can do it! If you want to. It’s cool to write things we’re familiar with but also to be true to our own experience. I have ADHD but my behaviors are very different from my ADHD boyfriend, and both our types are valid.

  • I’ve been on Lemmy talking about this for ages. Listen. I’m in healthcare. I work under the Deparment of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities in a 501c3 doing residential care.

    The health care system in America is absolutely fucked from top down.

    I’m working constantly. We do not have enough people. In my particular field, we are vastly underpaid for the work we do, so no one wants to do it. The jobs are there, the labor isn’t. And listen, no one in this job can blame them!

    We’re so burned out that every time yet another person quits we all nod and say, “Good for them” and soldier on, because if we stop showing up, these people will die.

    That’s just residential care. People living communally with disabilities wind up in every facet of health care (urgent care, hospitals, physicians) at an insane rate, so I see different facilities almost every day, and everywhere I go the story is the same!

    Something has to give. You can’t order us to work and eventually the rising cost of living will force people like me to give up on these marginalized populations. Every LPN and CNA I know has quit healthcare altogether because it’s not worth it. The only one I know who still works is a PRN contractor who charges over $30/hour to work in nursing homes. We have to do something or there won’t be anyone left to treat anyone!

  • The thing is… do they? We don’t know that they’re actually referencing anything at all. I always thought that, once you got the vibe, you could contribute to the conversation with the phrasing and use the implied story of the phrase for the context.

    I might say to you, “Kyle, when Janet left him.” You don’t need to know who Kyle or Janet are to infer that this might not be a good thing. Alternatively, I might say that, and mime like I’m wiping sweat from my brow as of relieved, and it might change the meaning.

    We have no real way of knowing what history they might be referring to. Or if there even is one.