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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • Couple of days is too long, most dev teams can create a fully functioning site in a couple of days.

    If you focus on providing a solution to a niche market, you can create a platform that allows you to create a fully functioning SEO optimized website in a couple hours. My team develops web solutions specific to real estate, legal, non-profit and professional service industries. We can have a fully functional semi-custom site online within 2 hours and we’re only charging $59/month for this service which includes live data.

    Not to tear your down, but this is what you are competing against.

    I would advise you to use F12, choose lighthouse, and then analyze page to see all of the issues your site has.

  • You are talking about something entirely different than a website.

    You are talking about a single landing page that collects data from ad spend, which is just a single page of a “good website”. Your single page consultation request form doesn’t feed itself, it’s fed by $ ad spend. $500 for a single client in fact as per your 10% CPA number.

    Average wage of a divorce attorney in the United States is $130k, let’s assume you are in that average. You are servicing about 30 clients per year with a $500 CPA you are spending $15,000 on your “landing page” when you could get better results from a good website total cost $3,500.

  • A really good website for a small construction company is going to be in the $1500-3500 range. The number of estimate requests and project consultation requests it will generate will pay for itself 300 fold.

    Dont fall into the website builders trap, in the long run you will pay way more in fees for a crappy website. Your time is much better spent being a GC then messing around with a website builder that will never get your to the top of search.

    Contractor services is one of my firms niche markets and we have good data on this. You should be getting 3-5 requests a day via your website in a town of 200k with average competition in the GC business.

    Find someone local if you can, its totally worth having a good website.