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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2024


  • Does anyone know how they define junk food in that guideline? Is it based on calories / fat / sugar? Or do they have a specific list of products that are now forbidden in ads? Or a list of companies? Does the ban include product placements (like a kids movie where a family goes to McD? What about ‘normal’ content about fast food (like SpongeBob making krabby burgers)?

    I really appreciate the law but I think it can be quite challenging to draw the line between legal and illegal.

  • I’d be completely on board with that proposal. There are many differentiators in sports that contribute to your success. Your sex might be a very important one but definitely not the only one that matters.

    I would group different athletes based on skill level, strength, height or whatever is relevant in that dicipline. Being born with a penis or not shouldn’t matter.

    If we say that for a specific kind of sport the level of testosterone is the most important factor to success, than that should be used for the grouping. That way, men with low testorone would be the same ‘league’ as woman with a medium testosterone level and woman with a really high testosterone level would play along men with a medium level of testosterone.

    From my perspective, this would not only end all these gender discussions in sports but also make the lower leagues way more interesting and more fair for both genders.

  • Do you have a source that those people leaving are the ones that didn’t vote? I would guess that people who consider a measure as drastic as leaving your home country, would vote above average.

    Furthermore, I would expect that mainly well-educated people are leaving the US, simply because it’s much easier to get a work permit elsewhere. And high education typically also correlates with higher participation in elections.

    I didn’t have much time right now to a deeper research on these stand points. So if I’m wrong, I’d highly appreciate any sources.