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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • I don’t really see what he’s asking for here. His argument is that everyone watches the NFL’s Super Bowl Sunday regardless of the teams involved, while NBA fans may skip based on who makes it to the Finals.

    Super Bowl Sunday is one day a year, and it’s carved out on the calendar well in advance.

    The NBA Finals are up to 7 games, many of which are on a week-day. I watch because I’m genuinely interested in the NBA, but you can’t expect casual fans to carve that much time out in their schedule to accommodate your championship round.

    The only way Silver gets his way is if the NBA goes to a 1 or maybe 3 Game Finals, which would make the product much worse for the true fans.

  • I’ll be honest, I kind of hate the “first time a kid was able to see Giannis” argument.

    Am I the only one who would find it both cringey and distasteful if an 8-year old kid hit a basket and proceeded to “mean mug” his opponent and then do the “too small” gesture as he was walking away. These young kids love to emulate their favorite players, so, to me, I don’t think these kinds of taunts should be apart of the game.

    I get the calls for more consistency, but I think the NBA needs to clean up the celebrations that are directed at opposing players. I get celebrating your shot, but when that celebration is directed at another player, I think it crosses the line.

    Here Giannis both “mean mugged” his opponent by taking 2 steps towards him and then did the “too small” gesture. To me, that’s taunting. As such, I don’t have a problem with a technical being assessed.

  • I see this is a very unpopular opinion, and I love watching Giannis, but I don’t have a problem with the technical called here.

    I get it sucks that he already had a technical, so it triggered an ejection, but Giannis clearly does the following:

    1. He changes direction and takes 2 steps towards Stewart to get in his face after the dunk.

    2. As he’s walking away, he also makes the “too small” gesture.

    What is your definition of taunting if you can do this after every single basketball play?

    People will complain about the fans, especially young ones, who paid money to go to the game, but am I the only one who finds it so cringey every time a young 8-year old basketball player taunts their opponent after every basket because they think it looks cool. Do we really want young fans “mean mugging” their opponents in their own youth games?

    I get celebrating a basket, but to me, the getting in a player’s face crosses the line. I also don’t have a problem with holding players accountable when they cross that line.

    With all that said, I also understand that the refs are very inconsistent in calling these taunting violations. I feel like the NBA needs to just state their policy of what is and isn’t allowed, and then follow that code of conduct. To me, what Giannis does here ventures into what shouldn’t be allowed, so that’s why I’m ok with the ejection. I’m sure you can point at 100+ other instances of players doing similar without being called though, and, to that, I’d say they also should have been assessed a technical.