• Billiam@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I disagree.

    There are millions of voters who, for reasons I will never understand, are still undecided. At some point, fighting over your candidate doesn’t inspire outsiders as to your party’s vision for governance. You’ll never sell a message of “We’re the party that will defeat fascism!” if half your efforts are spent essentially rehashing the primary. Seriously, the Dems right now look like a low budget version of Spartacus.

    Biden, whether through serious belief or the obstinance that comes from advanced age, is not going to step aside. Continuing to publicly fight that, rather than unite behind a single party-wide message, only makes the Dems look weak.

    And no, I’m not saying Biden shouldn’t step aside or that he is the best candidate. But party unity is the key to defeating the GOP and if Biden won’t withdraw, we work with that.