Sorry for poor picture quality. Found in France. Never seen anything like it.
Yup, that’s a giant house spider. No kidding, that’s the vernacular name of the species, see Formerly filed under the tegenaria genus, now its own genus.
They’re comically large and terror-inducing, but not aggressive. And they keep out more aggressive species too.
God the memories. Lived in a house surrounded by banks of ivy and for whatever reason it attracted those things like none other (Giant House Spider).
The house at the time was also poorly insulated or sealed from outside. I’d find 1-2 every 2-3 days inside. They’d teleport across the house using the vent system too. One snuck inside my bath towel. I’d find them in the sink just chilling, they’d crawl across the bed sometimes, ugh.
Look, I know they’re harmless (to humans) and I know I’m being dumb, but spiders for some reason immediately cause a fight or flight response in me. Like, there were nights I’d see one and then I’d be unable to sleep the rest of the night and I’d have to keep the lights on just in case. My brain just absolutely breaks down when spiders are involved, it’s dumb, I know it, but I can’t seem to stop it and those particular spiders are just so unbelievably large that it scared the shit out of me.
Roaches? Snakes? Ants? Beetles? Scorpions? Literally anything else? I don’t care at all. Only spiders. No clue why.
You’re hurting his leg :( (Pretty sure it’s a male Eratigena atrica)
Friendly spiderbro, very common.
Thanks! It isvery likely a Eratigena Atrica. The pattern on its back is identical. I safely released it in the garden.
Moving an indoor spider outside typically leads to their death. What you did here is basically throw a spider to the wolves. If you can’t deal with a spider indoors and you feel obligated to do something about it but have ethical feelings or whatever, the better thing to do is simply and quickly squish it.
But, it’s a spider, so whatever.
Nahhhh if you let it outside your feeding another animal, if you squish it your making a mess.
If it’s big and in a rural French house, it’s very likely a Tégénaire :
We don’t have many dangerous or even biting species of spiders.
Thank for your answer.
ITT I read that it could also be a radiated wolf spider. In any case it was big, bigger than other big a** spiders I found at this place. But what do I know, I’m definitely not a country person.Did it show any signs of super powers?
…maybe let it bite you…?
Hard to tell from the photo but maybe:
- Nursery Web Spider
- Giant House Spider
- Radiated Wolf Spider
My bet is on a giant house spider. They’re massive, fast, but harmless (and are actually great with dealing with pests - I leave them be in the home).
Looks like a giant house spider. Another lemming suggested a brown recluse. One is harmless, and the other can kill you. Squach it or leave it, hard to tell.
There are no Brown Recluse in France. If it is scared of you, it’s a Tégénaire.
Pas si vite mon ami :)
I’m half joking, cases are so rare it’s a non event.