Thanks! It isvery likely a Eratigena Atrica. The pattern on its back is identical. I safely released it in the garden.
Thanks! It isvery likely a Eratigena Atrica. The pattern on its back is identical. I safely released it in the garden.
Big nasty spiders that bite you usually give you necrosis. Does that count?
Pas si vite mon ami :)
I’m half joking, cases are so rare it’s a non event.
Thank for your answer.
ITT I read that it could also be a radiated wolf spider. In any case it was big, bigger than other big a** spiders I found at this place. But what do I know, I’m definitely not a country person.
Looks like a giant house spider. Another lemming suggested a brown recluse. One is harmless, and the other can kill you. Squach it or leave it, hard to tell.
Thanks for the answer. Living in France. I didn’t hear of dangerous species of spiders here. But this one had me look twice.
One can’t dream that they will marry each other and finally leave the rest of the world alone?